020_ Centre Routier, Altkirch (68) More infoLess info

The chosen site for the construction of the new roadwork centre of Altkirch in southern Elsass shows some remarkable qualities. It is a zone of transition between urban spaces and fields and hoods.
In order to better fit to the site geometry, we suggested to identify the three main functions of the site: the entry space and vehicles control, the main working courtyard and the wintry logistic functions of salt storage and loading.
The whole centre is designed as a closed courtyard or a cloister, protected from external views and the surrounding buildings form a plain minéral protecting shell, quietly set in the fields’ landscape. By contrast, the inner centre is designed as a lively working area. The plain and translucent surface of the porch roofs and locals doors offers a generous lighting to the whole courtyard and reflects the centre activity.

Project management: DeA architectes, SBE
Client: Conseil Général du Haut-Rhin
Location: Altkirch (68) France
Surface: 1 150 m2
Date : 2011
Budget : 1 700 000 €